5-Minute Photoshop Techniques - photographic training in the UK

5-Minute Photoshop Techniques

07 December 2010 to
07 December 2010

£150 + VAT

Speakers: Dave Wall

Course content day 1

• digital enhancement

Photographic course overview...

A vast selection of simple but effective, tried and tested, Photoshop techniques gained through Dave Wall’s many years within the industry.


what you will need...

A working understanding of Layers and Masks.
The course will be run in Photoshop CS3 but every technique covered will work in CS2 or CS4 in exactly the same way.  

day 1

Speakers: Dave Wall

This seminar is dedicated to the flawless retouching of people in a quick and efficient manner.


you will learn and discover...

Perfect white backgrounds using simple techniques with minimum effort
The ultimate way to sharpen your images of people – Dave’s when, how and why of sharpening
Slimming your subjects (without getting caught!) - Easy to follow slimming techniques from the subtle to the extreme
Contouring – Give your images a real “WOW” factor by painting with light, a great way to sculpt people’s features for a truly unique and dramatic look
Eye retouching – Easy techniques enhance the natural beauty of the iris
Digital makeup – How to use “Photoshop make-up” to enhance and add impact to your images
Teeth – Simple techniques for perfect pearly whites
How to change colours realistically, simply and easily
Hot spots - Get rid of those annoying highlights from shiny skin with a quick and easy method
Dave’s Image Pop - Make your images “POP” off the page with this 2-second trick!