As another year draws to a close, it is time to relax, kick back and recharge your batteries. You often find that when you have been busy, busy, busy, working flat out, serving your clients well, delivering a beautiful, quality product as soon as you relax and take your foot of the accelerator you succumb to some ghastly flu bug and spend the entire holiday in bed and miserable. If this all sounds too familiar then start to plan for a different outcome for your festive break next year.
As the New Year approaches and we all start to fill in our empty new planners and diaries, start to build into the year some well deserved ‘you’ time. It doesn’t necessarily mean additional holidays (although why not?) it can be time spent away from the business for business reflection, time to be creative and recharge your batteries, inspirational visits to galleries and exhibitions and time for general ‘pace’ throughout the year.
This is particularly important towards the end of the year, when you need to make sure you are disciplined about what you can achieve and accomplish for your clients. Set realistic deadlines and stick to them – set definite dates for the last shoot of the year and the last viewing date of the year, that way you are confident that you can fulfil your client’s orders and deliver them, beautifully packaged and presented, well in time for the Christmas holiday and you are not chasing around all stressed, meeting clients on Christmas Eve!
Your business relies on you and each year it needs the best ‘you’ that you can be. So look after you, treat yourself well, enjoy your festive break and be ready to embrace all that your new year will bring you.
By Jane Breakell