Business Procrastination

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Do you suffer from procrastinating within the business? Is the long list of things you need to do far too overwhelming, and slightly depressing at the same time? Many of those who create businesses, create them from a passion for being in business and sailing their own ship or because they simply have a passion and interest in photography. Few people create businesses because they have a passion for the in-tray and the endless stream of emails and calls yet this is indeed the reality of business, as unattractive as it is. This dull and unattractive reality can become a major contributor to procrastination. The admin gets many in business down, paper pushing is what the Aspire gang calls it; we can push paper from one inbox to another. My new mantra at Aspire is to pick up the phone, reduce emails and talk. Build relationships, smile down the phone and do your utmost to speak when possible instead of the endless stream of emails - “over to you, over to me” ” over to you” - make note that Catherine Connor would rather speak to you; she likes chatting as you all know. Unite with me on my quest to reduce our unwanted in-trays!


Join me on my quest to solve all that steals your pressures time, the mission in solving procrastination will perhaps require new business goggles along with your motive to wear them! Even if Monday to Friday become your core admin periods - new business goggles and new progress makes business fun.


If you are battling with this aspect of business, battle no further as the months are sure to fly by. Make it your mission to make changes and procrastinate no longer. It’s times to grasp the nettles in terms of how you are running the business. Everybody forms their own morning, afternoon and evening routines as we are creatures of habit, in fact these traits can be rather reassuringly comfortable. Your success trick is to ensure the routines and habits don’t encourage procrastination and do encourage growth; you have no time to tread water.


Do you sense a lack of progression? We are nearly half way through the year, with your hand on your heart you have to identify if you tend to lean towards procrastination far too long throughout weeks or maybe even months.


The manner in which you start the day will give you many clues; how many coffees does it take before you actually get started? Do you really need to spend the volume of time on Facebook that you are doing? Could half of the time actually achieve the same results for your business?


Are your routines and habits contributing to your goals? Grab hold of your time; solve those time steals and reduce the risk of procrastination for lengthy periods of time


Create New Rules

  1. Change how you start your day - be more proactive
  2. Create a small list of things to do
  3. Reduce all time stealers
  4. Review your vision and goals are they attractive enough for you? Would you slay a dragon for them?
  5. Are your procrastinating because:

- You are overwhelmed – if so reduce your “to do” list.

- Of a loss of direction – what do you really want?

- What you should be doing is not attractive enough – if so change it


If you find this hard to achieve on your own - join us on our Advanced Webinar Series and register for the Complimentary Webinar on 7th July too!



Image by Jenny Heyworth Photography 


katie teesdale-ward says:

12th May 2015 at 9:59 am

brilliant. ironically i read this knowing it was a bit of a stop gap from writing a challenging email. after reading this i feel i’m back on track. thanks!



12th May 2015 at 1:03 pm

I felt inspired to share and support all those at the coalface of business x


Jennifer sinclair says:

13th May 2015 at 2:43 pm

Picking up the phone is definitely a weakness of mine! on my daily task list i make myself make one phone call a day.


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