The customer comes into all conversations when we are lecturing at Aspire Photography Training - why? The client, your tribe, should be right at the core of everything you do and what you achieve emotionally and financially. Building a business can feel like an art form at times, you have to carefully craft, giving equal consideration to the impression you give, the language you use and alongside which marketing methods and strategies are best for you and your tribe.
As you mould the business into the right shape consider the following:
1. Who are your tribe? What are their tribal habits? Where do they hang out? Where are they already spending their hard earned income?
2. Why would they choose your business over another - what makes your business special?
3. Understand what you are actually selling to them - you are retailing images, photographic experiences, art for the walls - what do they want to actually purchase from you?
4. What language should you use? How your business sounds is important so invest time in considering your business language. Create the right tone for your business.
5. Where should you be marketing to attract your tribe? Study their habits - marketing is a craft, perfect your approach to marketing your business.
6. Be aware of how your clients like to be marketed to, what methods do they prefer? It Is important to absorb their values and beliefs as equally as you have your own.
I focus my attention on all of the above as I consider a marketing campaign, I firstly write a few names of my desired clients on post it notes. We have many fabulous clients, who I would like to have as clients for life, by writing the names down I have the client in mind instead of the business. I write down the name of a potential client, new client and long standing client as they are all critical in my use of language, offer, activity and even the image used in the campaign. You too need to consider the broad range of clients before you start leaping into the marketplace or spending too much money on Facebook adverts.
I know my clients are driven by experience, their experiences matter, photography matters yet none of them want to get bogged down with heavy pieces of text - my tribe generally don’t read thoroughly at first they scan, so make sure you have al the relevant details in place and illustrate it with a killer image – selected particularly with your target client in mind.
By Catherine Connor
Image by Kay Young Photography
Further Reading …
Why Marketing matters Course -
The Bespoke Programme -
Open your eyes to opportunity -