The most important company asset is your client base, guard and nurture your client base as frequently as possible. Do your utmost as you build and develop your photography business never lose sight of the customers you already have. Give time and attention to keeping the clients you have already worked very hard to gain, over being too keen to seeking new clients and the cost of losing the clients your marketing budget has already invested in.
“Love your clients and they love you back”
Delight your customers by;
1. Remembering their names
2. Greet them in all correspondence in a warm and friendly manner
3. Send them birthday cards with thoughtful messages within
4. Hand written notes attached to your frame and album deliveries
5. Surprise gifts
6. A supportive tweet or that is supportive to their aspirations and lifestyle
7. Include important and remembered details within all your correspondence
8. Send Christmas and celebration cards
9. When possible be flexible as you customise your services
10. Listen to their requests and needs with great interest
All of the above takes time, effort and consideration you may not always have the time and feasibility to achieve everything all at once, the 80 ~ 20 rule though is a excellent starting point aiming for 80 achievement is better than aiming for no achievement at all.
Happy business owning
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