A leap year, for many of us in the photography industry, triggers a great deal of excitement and anticipation. Who might be bold and brave enough to pop the question ” will you marry me?”
So it got me thinking too – if I were bold enough….. ” If Aspire was to ask, would you connect with us?” What would encourage you to say a big fat ‘yes’! What would it take to ensure our relationship will last a lifetime? Could it be based from the understanding that we will always do our utmost to deliver total commitment to you, sprinkled with creative adventures, a bucket of laughter and unquestioned love? Would this simply be enough? Answers please, on a post card!
The whole concept of ‘would you marry me,’ has made me reflect a great deal on what bonds one to another in business, as business relationships matter too. We have many relationships we treasure and have shared for years with One Vision imaging, Fujifilm UK and many, many more and it is a love thing! Our love for our suppliers is based from liking both the people and their products. We spend so much time hoping for a Facebook like, yet what we really seek is LOVE and now as if by magic Facebook kindly gives us a love button. How kind!
I have devoted the past two decades to my continual quest to ensure I understand photographers and suppliers in equal measures, what they need, what they seek, what matters to all we serve, their values, and here’s the thing you never stop learning, and seeking more for those you work alongside. Why you might add? Its simple - the marriage - you want to remain married, you want to remain desirable, hot and sexy to all those you serve. Consider this, would your clients marry you too, your business? All the standards you invest are invested in the hope that the bonds stay strong, bonded for not just the first throes of love but a forever relationship that will last a lifetime. We will meet many new friends and old at The Photography Show as Aspire Photography Training has been an industry leader training and influencing many for years, this doesn’t sound romantic at all, however it is! We have trained the best, taught thousands and all have been through from the heart and head of our shared values and with a mission to remain connected. Shared successes, pathways walked together and as I talk to each and everyone, I will have at the forefront of my mind that we are still in love with each other and bonded as a marriage.
With all of the love in mind, would you marry Aspire?
By Catherine Connor
Image by Jenny Heyworth Photography