Grab hold of your next 12 months, make it your own, take responsibility for all of the elements within your year. The most valuable asset you own is your time and it has to be handled very carefully.
What would you like to achieve in 2017?
How do you want to feel?
What would you like each day to gift you?
Start to visualise your year, as you know I am a great believer in….
Mood boarding your vision
Completing a gratitude diary
Making affirmations
Believing in daydreams
The universe has a remarkable gift for listening and reading the messages we send, perhaps it’s time to think about what you’re asking the universe to gift to you. Clearly you have a great deal of influence over your year, the universe can’t live your dreams and life for you, make this your inspiration. Dream a little this month, start thinking about the time ahead and what you would like life to bring you, your family and your business.
A vision board can play a remarkable role in how you perform, most people in business seek clarity, guidance and reassurance as the day can often throw towards you much confusion and distraction. There is no general ‘rule book’ to follow apart from the plans you create and set - whether your plans and aspirations come in the form of vision boarding or goal setting we all have to have something we are aiming for. The trick is to…
1. Create a vision board or goals, aspirations that will improve every aspect of your life and being
2. Believe passionately and whole heartedly in the vision ~ you need to really desire the outcome
3. Ensure you contribute daily, do one thing everyday at least that serves your vision.
4. Be aware of what might distract you, be alert to the dream stealers ~ watch our for dream hijackers
5. Make all of the above simply become how you live your life. Leave nothing to chance take control of your beautiful future.
It’s all about knowing what you really want, desires and aspirations in my rule book are healthy. The impact they could have on your broader world is incredible. We all have months when we feel off track. I have personally found and it’s important to share, that when I forget to engage or generally get too busy in the moment the power of momentum is lost, I drift and it’s a place I personally find dislodging. Is this the same for you? I am intrigued by your methods and strategies too. The periods of pause are never great for the ambitious.
Ambition in my view is not an ugly word it’s simply a hook to hang your talent on. Those who come to my lectures will certainly have heard this before. It is all about celebrating your talent, gifts and abilities using the whole of ‘you’ in the best possible manner - A manner which serves those beautiful goals and dreams!
If you are unsure and perhaps in a moment of flux join me online on the 7th December 6.00pm till 7.00 sign up today~ liberty is on the horizon!
Can’t wait to hear about your visions and goals too!
Words by Catherine Connor
Image by Jenny Heyworth features Oli Martin @ Hipping Hall
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